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How to Make Money on Instagram as an Influencer


How to Make Money on Instagram as an Influencer

how to make money on instagram as an influencer

Making money on Instagram is not a new concept. Tons of people are earning from Instagram, even more than they are from youtube.

You can make money on Instagram as an influencer, as an affiliate marketer and as an entrepreneur. This article is about how to make money on Instagram as an influencer. If you want to know about how to earn money on Instagram without as an influencer(the other two), you can go to this page.

Who are Instagram Influencers?

Table of Contents

As the word ‘Influencer’ sounds, it’s all about influencing people and making their mind to buy product or services. You see celebrities advertisement on TV and newspapers. Why brands choose these celebrities to advertise. This is because they influence their fan following. I hope you have understood the word ‘Influencer’ in this context.

For Instagram, all those people’s or accounts with huge followers and good engagement rate(likes and comments by followers) are coined as Instagram Influencers and these influencers earn money on every sponsored posts they posted on their feed.

To make this article interesting😃, let’s see some top influencers on Instagram and their earning per posts.

How do Instagram Influencers make money?

If you go through the Instagram account of these influencers, you will notice, they usually upload normal posts regularly like others. But along with these normal posts they upload some sponsored posts of brands too usually 5 to 10 in a month and get paid for each sponsored post.

Not just posts, but these influencers also mention brand names in the caption and do instagram stories takeover of the brand’s account and thus earned this way too.

You have seen some celebrities intentionally show their t-shirts, shoes, watches etc. These  are just normal looking sponsored posts. Take the example of this post of Cristiano Ronaldo.

How to become an Instagram Influencer? 

Ya, it’s true that everyone can’t become as popular as Cristiano Ronaldo. But nothing to worry about, the door is open to common people too.

You can become micro influencer. Micro influencers are those who have under million followers.

If you have already gained X amount of followers (at least 20k) with good engagements rate (means liked and commented by followers), then this will work fine for you. The brand will reach out you and asked you to promote their products among your followers.

How to increase your Instagram followers?

If you have already gained huge amount of subscribers on youtube, you can ask your subscribers to follow you on Instagram too. A lot of people have became brand on Instagram just because of youtube. An example is PewDiePie.

If you have lots of friends and followers if Facebook and twitter, you can ask the same from your friends and followers.

If you have your website, then you can give your Instagram page link there and gain followers this way too.

If you are little bit know personality like any public figure or social media star, then create the Instagram page with your real name and face and start posting high quality pictures regularly

If you think that you can’t be popular with your real name and real face, then instead of creating Instagram account of yourself, choose a particular niche topic and dedicate your account to that topic. Post good quality puctures only about that topic. This way you can huge Instagram followers even though your real name is unknown to your followers.

Take an example of kaitkillebrew .She has fully dedicated her Instagram account to her love ❤️ for Disney. Even though she has just 10k followers as of now, she is already making deals with the Disney co. and making huge money.

You can create an Instagram account dedicated to travel and start posting quality pictures of travel and it’s needed accessories only. This way you can gain huge travel loving followers with good engagements rate.

You can create an Instagram account only for fashion and get fashion lover followers. The brands related to fashion will reach out you to promote their products.

How much you can make as an Influencer on Instagram?

As already mentioned, some top earners are making $1 million per post. But what for you as a micro influencer.

Not being a celebrity, if you have created an instagram page of your name or of a particular topic (topic list have mentioned above) and get 20-30k followers with good engagement rates, the brand will reach out to you and ask you to promote their products.

If you have built up your audience upto 30k followers with good engagements rate (around 8%), you can earn upto $350 per post. You can charge for—

  • Promoting a giveaway for a brand
  • A mention of brand in the caption
  • An instagram stories takeover of the brand’s account
  • Instagram Stories mentioning the brand.

According to Financial times, if you have an audience of 100,000, you can charge brand about 2700 USD per post.

More to Read How to Make Money From Instagram | 3 Different Ways


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