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Search Engine Optimization-SEO | Do’s and Don’ts

SEarch engine optimisation-SEO

What is SEO?

Table of Contents
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the practice of increasing quantity and quality of traffics on your site through organic search engine results. This is the definition by
No need to remember the definition, like you used to do in your schools days. HA! HA!
Just want to clear ‘some people also search this topic as search engine optimisation’ instead of optimization.
Whenever you search anything on google or any search engine, it shows tons of results on various pages-1,2,3… Tell me genuinely, don’t you find the concerned information on the first or second page of the search results? Have you ever gone on the fourth page. Yep! Yep!
According to a survey, 90% of people get the satisfied information on the first page of the search results. Only 10% people go the second page. Now you may estimate how many people go on the third page of the search results.
So if your site is shown on the first page of the search results on any keywords, then your page is search engine optimized and you”ll get the organic traffic from search engines. Otherwise forget traffic. Oh sorry i am joking. He! He!
In one line, if you are not getting traffic from search engines, you don’t need to put your palms on your head. You can get it from social media like facebook, twitter, reddit, youtube.

Practice under SEO

Search engine optimization is not a one day game. You have to do your work and keep patience for it and let the engine done its job.
There are various important practices done to optimize site under SEO. These are content selection, content optimization, image optimization, backlinkings and social sharing.
See in the chart below, the google ranking factors. Your page SEO depends heavily on it.
Google Ranking Factors

Types of SEO

1. On-Page SEO : As the name sounds, it is optimizing the content of the page, generally before uploading it on the online server. Optimizing content and image comes in this.
2. Off-Page SEO : It is all about outside the page which includes linking your web-page to another website and sharing on social media.
There are various other things comes under SEO, but these are the one in which lots of mistakes are done.

Do and Don’ts for SEO

Topic Selection

Topics with high CPC rate are generally with high competition and low search rates. While low CPC Topics are generally with low or medium competitions and high search volumes.
If you are newbie,by coming in greed, don’t select high CPC topics. Select a topic which are more searchable and very low competition. This will make you a good start in search engine optimization. Once your site gains little reputations, then you can go with medium or high ones. This apply for youtube also.
Avoid making content about the products or services of a particular big brand. For instance, if you search ‘what is google G-suite’, top 4-5 results are from google itself. Last few are from top websites. You can’t out rank google. Can you? But i made about that because i am foolish. He! He!.
Do what i advice, don’t do what i do.

Content Optimization

Title : Your title should be the reflection of your page content. Don’t make it too short or too long. Try to insert the exact searchable phrase in the start of your title.
Add some extra phrase for multiple keyword targeting. For instance, if you are making web-page about cloud computing, you can make the title as ‘What is Cloud Computing? | Features | Disadvantages’.
Main Content : Try to use almost all your targeting keywords (without spamming) in the first and second paragraph of your content as search engine give more importance to these two paragraphs.
Use a keyword at the starting of all your paragraphs and don’t use the same keyword again and again in the same paragraph as it is considered spam by search engines.
Avoid making long paragraph and try to make it short as it is loved by search engine and the users. Try to make your content at least 600 words long.

Image Opimization

This is one of the underrated practice in SEO But believe me this really works. A lot of websites are there whose web-page don’t come in the first page of google search results, but in image search their images come in the first row of the image results and they get traffic from there.
All you need to do is to just make your own image or if you download from internet, just customize the image little bit before uploading and provide the searchable keywords in the ‘title’ and ‘alt text’ section of the image.


Backlinking for SEO
What are backlinks in seo? This is the practice in which newbies do majority of mistakes. They make a website with just few pages and start making lots of backlinks. With the advance of AI, not just owner of google but also google knows that people make backlinks intentionally to rank the page.
Lets take an example to understand this clearly. For instance, lets suppose you are a new teacher and initially only few students are taught by you. Then even though you are a good teacher, only few students will refer you to someone for study. If you have lots of referrer, then people will take it as you are intentionally promoting yourself. With the passage of time, more people will refer you to someone as a good teacher.
Same things applied to search engines. If your site is new with not lots of pages, then according to search engine, it should not have lots of backlinks.
I advice you to make atmost 10 backlinks in a week. This will taken by search engine as someone’s site is genuinely referring your site. With the passage of time increase the number of backlinks as this will look natural.
Avoid making backlinks from very low quality or spam type websites. If you will do this, then instead of ranking your site will be thrown down by search engine.
Avoid purchasing backlinks from any providers to rank your website as they will loot your money. In the name of high quality backlinks, they provide low quality ones and fool customers. They are waiting for you to be looted.
Even if you want to purchase it, i will advice you not to purchase it in bulk, means large numbers. This is because, the provider will create large number of backlinks in a very short period of time and that will be tracked by the search engine.
Also the provider will create lots of backlinks from some spam or vulgar websites which are considered enemies of SEO. I became the victim of this. I ordered a company for quality backlinks and after few days they have created backlinks for me and lots of them from spam websites and one from adult content. Don’t laugh as i already declared above that i am foolish.
To get the list of high domain-authority websites to create high quality backlinks, go to this page.

Social Sharing

Social signal is also very important for the content to be ranked in search engines. If your posts have lots of likes and shares, then google take it as a factor to rank it.
I will advice you to create a facebook page and pro looking twitter account for your website, provide a site link and share your content on daily basis. Share the same posts by your personal account. You can also make a youtube channel for your website.


As i already said, search engine optimization is not a one day game. You have to do your work and let the search engine to do its own. SEO means patience. Make quality content which are valuable for the readers because at end, it is quality which matters.
In the name of backlinking, do not do any thing which look unethical. Backlinks are natural things. if your content is worth referring, other websites will give you backlinks. And ya don’t try to purchase it. Keep all things natural.
If you are a wordpress user, their are various plugins which will guide in content writing. I personally advice you to insatall Yoast Seo. This is one of the most installed and used tool for improving SEO ranking.
Lastly, do your hard work and believe in it. With time you will get huge success which you are logging for. Take care.


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